
Terms of Service

Refund Policy
All donations and purchases made in this shop are completely voluntary by the customer.
We are not responsible for transaction errors arising from the use of the Checkout services such as PayPal when a customer is making a donation to our server. Please ensure that you are entering the correct information into PayPal or other websites when submitting your donation.

When a donation goes wrong:
1. You have made a donation for the same package twice by mistake. Excess packages will be deducted from ID.
2. You accidentally chose the wrong package.
3. You accidentally chose the wrong WarzoneZ Gaming server.

Please get in touch by opening a support ticket in our Discord or Email: [email protected]. 99,9% of the time we can fix the issue.

We do not offer a donation refund if:
1. You change your mind about the donation.
2. You get Battleye ban or server banned by disregarding Smartly Dressed Games / Server rules.
3. Your current package has come to an end.

You used fake name & address details in your donation.

Donation rewards are not guaranteed and are subject to change at any time. WarzoneZ Gaming ownership groups decision is final and cannot be challenged. If you have any questions or disputes regarding this purchase, please get in touch by opening a support ticket in our Discord